Informazioni sul Progetto
In the Marrakech region, limited assistance, poverty and lack of health education make women, especially mothers of low income families, give up their medical and health needs both for themselves and their children.
To contribute to the improvement of this situation the El Amane Association asks Maisha Marefu Onlus for help in setting up the dental and ophthalmic surgery at the same premises.
Sociale – sanitario
Risultati Attesi
Opening of an eye and dental clinic where the women assisted by the ‘El Amane’ association can take advantage of the medical services
Grande ammirazione per l’impegno con cui Maisha Marefu contribuisce al ‘women empowerment’ , allo sviluppo sociale e professionale delle donne marocchine, che a loro volta si fanno promotrici di servizi sanitari a vantaggio della popolazione.
Una staffetta virtuosa !